Thursday 2 August 2007


There was a Kaleidoscope that was able to look through moved and changed its colours and shapes, stopped and stared at them for a while, It was not able to decide what colour or shape it preferred, the Kaleidoscope would always find something nice on all of the different colours and shapes...It kind of like them all! I'm myself somewhat like that Kaleidoscope.

If you dont know what a Kaleidoscope is or the name rings a bell but cant remember. It's a tube that contains mirrors and pebless etc. Basically you look through it and as you move it, the reflection on the inside forms different shapes and colours. I was only small the first time i saw one and at the time i thought...This is magic! I remember asking the guy that had it on the shop, Who'd made it. He said: me... and I thought! woah! This guy is a genious, a magician! his name must be Merlin!? lol.. My mum bought me that one.. :)

Now i know how they are made and the fact its not magic but somethingvery beautiful and creative someone from Scotland (I just found that out) came up with. Anyway! i came across this little game on the internet that allows you to quickly build your own virtual kaleidoscope! I still admire the people that can build their own! The site also has other little games that im just having a look at!

flickr picture by: lakewentworth's photos

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