Monday 30 July 2007

Spider pig.. Spider Pig..

This weekend I went to the cinema and watched "The Simpsons"... to be honest I went to watch it because i thought it was a must... but I wasn't really expecting much. The thing is that I came out the cinema and I couldn't stop humming.. spider pig..spider pig...

I was at work today and couldnt stop smiling and going.. spider pig..spider pig.. That was one of the best bits.. There are others i really, really liked.. The Green Day concert, the bit were they are in the room and the birds come in! ... well I'm going to stop now because i dont want to spoil it for all the ones that have not seen it yet and may end up reading this post! (that if anyone actually reads it)!

So, here its, one of my first posts ... is dedicated to THE SIMPSONS!! who would have thought!

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