Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Mad & Bad... Animation...

I recently came across this animation called 'Mad & Bad', it reminded me of 'Tom & Jerry', 'Coyote & Road runner'... erghh yes, im old. Anyway, very well done i thought! Episodes are available online and can be seen on their website Mad & Bad, here is one i liked! :0)

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Being Gay...

Im gay and this aren't really breaking news, however there is people that knows and people that dont.. I honestly feel i dont have to tell everyone on the world about it and somehow i don't fancy writting on a sticker and pasting it on my forehead, should i? I know many gay people may read this and think..'oh well here we go ..another confused girl, she is just still in the closet, going through a phase...etc' it seems that some gay people (please note i dont mean ALL!) thinks that to come out means to tell the world AND to go to gay places all the time, watch gay movies, eat gay food (im exagerating i know) but basically do all gay full stop...
I do enjoy gay programs and places... please dont take me wrong... i just honestly cant live as if that was it all.. I dont like excluding myself from the rest of the world and neither think i should.. I do agree to a certain extent the 'visibility' is needed and i do understand many stereotypes are there due to the fact only certain people will be openly gay, hence people has created stereotypes based on them and asumes we all look, behave,do the same things...etc etc so i know and i guess im not helping by not being very open about it..?!?

To conclude i could say I dont like stereotypes and i try as much as i can to dont put people i know in boxes, however i admit these boxes are part of life and even though i may not like them i have many times used them, and most probably will carry on doing so... Then... talking about boxes, I've been in quiet a few! I have been a happy straight girl with a lovely boyfriend, happy single girl, bisexual (when i admited i liked women thats what i called myself), lesbian now (i guess as my partner is a women)... however i still do find man the question will be! am i still part of the previous box? or the fact I've been in a relationship for years keeps me in the latter? LOL..see! thats why i hate these boxes... I'm just a women who happened to fall in love with another one.. and is currently happy, full stop! :)